On Tuesday night Derek Gale judged our Multiple Exposure competition. Well done to everyone who entered and congratulations to Gus, Elaine, and Sandy for achieving first, second, and third place. Derek also gave us an excellent presentation on ‘Capturing Water on Camera’ which may inspire members when out and about with the camera.
Full Results are :-
1st A Red planet and its moon. Gus Hassani
2nd Bridge over the Ythan Elaine Sheriffs
3rd ARTENSION Sandy Cowie
HC The Terminus Pete Thomson
HC The ghost of a mannequin. Gus Hassani
HC THE FLASK. Sandy Cowie
C Parking or not. Pete Thomson
C Hydrangea. John Stewart
C Dreaming of Home. Pete Thomson

1st A Red planet and its moon

2nd Bridge over the Ythan


HC The Terminus

HC The ghost of a mannequin


C Parking or not.

C Hydrangea.

C Dreaming of Home.